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My Photography

I've been taking photos for years. I enjoy photography as a hobby, but I also create artwork from my photographs as well. Creating art from my photos can be as simple as adding text or drawing designs on top of them. Some of my favorite things to photograph are waterfalls, old barns, mountains, the ocean and nature. I use Adobe Photoshop for some projects and Illustrator for others. I also use PowerPoint to put my photos together in photo books.  Photos and art can both serve as great conversation pieces when you're with your friends, family or co-workers. If you're interested in one of my pieces, let me know. I work hard to ensure that each image has depth and emotion... even if it's just color added onto basic shapes. Take a look at what I have available now by clicking on the gallery image below.   You may not be able to buy everything there since a lot of it is already sold; however, if you see something that inspires you then let me know and we'll discuss how I can help make it happen for you; simply send a list of items that interest you along with instructions about what sort of image and layout would best fit your needs and goals so we can get started right away. Remember: There is no way around making an investment into your own growth & learning—whether formalized or self-taught—to become successful over time... so why delay? Get started today!