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My Graphic Art

I am available for graphic art. There are times when you need a graphic artist to help you with your project. Are you having trouble creating a logo? Would you like to give your business card a face lift? I can help. Have a business but no idea how to get people to come visit? Why not consider having me design something eye-catching that will get people in your door. Let's brainstorm together and create something fabulous! If you don't have money for creative services, I offer convenient payment packages so that everyone can afford beautiful art. My services include digital painting, photo editing, book cover design, graphic posters, logos and branding .  Check out my gallery to see examples of my work. Contact me today! Let's talk about what you're envisioning and find out if we're a match made in heaven! Email: [email protected]

A Word About Payment Packages & Discounts: As much as I love doing creative work for others, there are days where my imagination needs a break from other people’s projects (or other things creep into my daily schedule). To accommodate those needs and keep prices reasonable, I've put together several different package options – Starter, Home Base and Sweet Suite – along with discounted rates for customers who opt for year-long contracts or multiple projects within one contract period. So please feel free to contact me about customizing a deal that works best for you! Thanks again!